Day-Old Mascara: The newest lazy girl YES?

Wow! I found this post in my old draft this morning and had to share it with y’all. A lot has changed since I wrote it… except for my appreciation for Pop Beauty’s mascara and my tendency to leave it on for two days running. Since I wrote this, I have: moved back to Brooklyn, gone on vacation, gotten engaged (!), started a second blog, moved to Dallas, reconfigured my freelance lifestyle and gone through two rounds of false lashes. And no matter what, I go back to this mascara and this method, so I thought I would share it with you even though the post is outdated. A sort of time capsule from just shy of a year ago — so much has changed, but my favorite beauty tips remain the same. Here it is:

Even sexier the next day. Trust me.

Okay, okay. Before you judge, HEAR ME OUT. It’s been a crazed month, reaching its pinnacle last Monday. Quit day job to pursue dreams. Book enough freelance work to convince family that this is a sound decision. Receive amazing opportunity from former employer and mentor to work on exceptionally cool project (more details on that later!) Learn that big brother needs help running his new wine store. Relocate to Connecticut with cat for one month. Move one third of belongings to mother’s home, one third to brother’s home, and one third to boyfriend’s home. Take a deep breath. Go to sleep. Wake up. Get to work (at liquor store, where you can do your other work downstairs in the basement). Remember that you forgot to put mascara on.


I recently stumbled upon an incredible mascara by Pop Beauty that I highly, highly recommend. I am absolutely meticulous about my lashes and even dabbled in faux’s for a while. I’ve always had an obsession with mascara and am literally unable to leave the home without it. In my former life as a Diorshow user, I had several tricks for creating the appearance of longer lashes. Pulling upward with the wand, casting eyes downward, building layer upon layer, adding extra coats, and so on. In my new life as a Pop Beauty user, I pay $10 less per tube for a mascara that naturally builds and expands on my lashes, creating a longer and fuller look with brilliant little fibers that blend flawlessly with the lashes I naturally have.

In the latest chapter of life, where I find myself working from home or from the basement at the Wise Old Dog, my inner lazy girl has discovered that, if not removed at night, this kick-ass mascara can last a full forty-eight hours. Should you go to bed every night without washing your face? Of course not. But if you didn’t wear anything on your skin one day and you do a quick once-over with a cleansing cloth followed by moisturizer, I am hereby giving you permission to lazily rock day-old mascara one day each week. Bonus: day-old liner is smudgy, sexy and tres 70’s glam. Your boy will love it… I know mine did!

Dreaming of beautiful second-day lashes…